Tuesday, November 11, 2014.
“Annual Meeting & Luncheonof Dalesburg Scandinavian Association”
Free Lunch!
Call Connie Richards (605-763-5128) for location and time, and to make reservations.
Please bring the names of girls who would be interested in being in the Lucia Court to the meeting or call Joan Huot (605-253-2568) with the names. Thank You.
Contact: Marcia Poole, director
900 Larsen Park Road; Sioux City, Iowa 51103
‘Dance to the Fiddle’ program Oct. 12 at Encounter Center
SIOUX CITY, Iowa (Oct. 1, 2014) – Live music, dancing and storytelling will celebrate the history of fiddle music at “Dance to the Fiddle” at 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 12 at the Betty Strong Encounter Center. Admission will be free.
Singer and storyteller Ron Johnson, of Dalesburg, S.D., will read from Ole Rolvaag’s “Giants in the Earth,” Hamlin Garland’s “Sons of the Middle Border” and Laura Ingalls Wilder’s “Little House in the Big Woods.”
Each story will set the scene for demonstrations of various dances, including the polka, waltz and the schottische by dancers Kate McBride and Craig Shogren and family, of Herman, Nebraska. Fiddlers will be Bill Peterson and Josh Scott and the guitarist is Charley Smith.
In Siouxland, fiddle-playing reaches back to countless immigrant stories, including that of the Rev. Daniel Peter Brown who helped Swedish settlers find land in Clay County, South Dakota.
“After preaching on Sunday mornings, Rev. Brown held dances in his cabin. His friend, ‘Fiddler Johnson,’ played for the dances,” says Peterson, a Canton, S.D., resident.
The free program also will connect to the Lewis & Clark Expedition’s favorite entertainment. fiddle music and dancing are described in the explorers’ journals numerous times, including Aug. 18, 1804, the 30th birthday of Capt. Meriwether Lewis in the present-day Sioux City area. The explorers danced until 11 p.m.
Perhaps the greatest dancing performance on the Lewis & Clark Trail was by French boatman Francois Rivet who “danced on his head” on Nov. 24, 1804, at Fort Mandan.
The Sioux City Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center and adjoining Betty Strong Encounter Center comprise a private, non-profit cultural complex built and sustained by Missouri River Historical Development, Inc. (MRHD). It is located on the Missouri Riverfront, exit 149 off I-29. Admission is free. For more information call 712-224-5242. Find the Center on Facebook: www.facebook.com/sclandc
Legends of St. Lucia
What do Norse Vikings, Swedish farmers, an Italian peasant girl,
and an English Bishop have in common? Based on the reason we
are all here today, you might guess St. Lucia Day. And you would
be right. The interesting story is in who and the why.
Let’s start with the Norse Vikings. According to the old Julian
calendar, December 13 is the darkest day. In modern times with
our Gregorian calendar, we know this to be December 21st and
22nd.. the shortest day and the longest night for those of us, like the
Vikings, in the Northern Hemisphere.. otherwise known as the
Winter Solstice. This darkest day was not a day to be out on a
boat, but rather to be inside.. possibly burning a log to keep warm,
for a tradition that would later become the winter festival.. or
burning of the Yule Log.
Likewise, December 13 was the day the ancient pagan
Scandinavian farmers offered sacrifices for good crops for the
coming summer. These sacrifices would usually involve building
a ceremonial fire to light the night. The word Lucia refers to light
in several languages. It is perhaps in this way that the person of St.
Lucia, who we will talk about soon, became mingled with the
legends of Lucia in Scandinavian countries.
There are a number of old legends of Lucia in Sweden. An old
legend from the province of Dalsland, names Lucia as the bride of
light. The legend says that on December 13, Lucia will appear
riding in a lusse-cart, similar to a chariot, and if the cart breaks
down, you will get lice in your hair. On Lucia night, the threshing
of grain must be finished to insure a bountiful crop the next year,
the horses should have on winter shoes, and all new-born babies
should be baptized before Lucia night or the trolls would come and
whisk them away forever.
Another old legend tells of Lucia being seen in the Swedish
province of Vermland during a great famine. Lucia, robed in white
came across Lake Venern in a large ship. She commanded the ship
to dock at different places and distributed food to the starving
people. The people who lived in Vermland claimed Lucia was the
queen of supernatural beings and was a worker of miracles.
But these Nordic stories are more myth than fact. To understand
why we celebrate St. Lucia Day today, we need to look at the
actual person. An English bishop from the Seventh Century, St.
Aldhelm, gave us the story of St. Lucia as we know it today. His
story has not been proven to be historically correct, but his story
stresses why the young maiden Lucia was a Christian honored by
the early church.
Lucia was born in Syracuse, Sicily in Italy. Her mother, a widow,
raised her in the Christian faith. Lucia made a vow to God never
to marry and to devote her life to serving Christ and the poor.
There was a young man who wanted to marry Lucia. Lucia told
her mother her secret vow and asked for her inheritance which
would have been her dowry. Lucia used her inheritance to help the
poor and needy. The story tells of Lucia bringing food to the
Christians hiding in the caves. In order to bring with her as many
supplies as possible, she needed to have both hands free. She
solved this problem by attaching candles to a wreath on her head.
Meanwhile, the rejected young man accused her of aiding and
abetting the Christians. Lucia was brought before the Roman
Court and was asked to renounce her faith in Christ, but she
refused. The court condemned her to die a martyr’s death. Later
the Church declared Lucia a saint of the Church and patron saint of
the blind, as she had brought so much light to the world and yet it
is believed she lost her sight during her persecution. The story of
St. Lucia resonated particularly in Scandinavia where it became
mingled with those earlier Norse legends we discussed. Today it is
one of the very few saint days observed in Scandinavia.
So however the St. Lucia celebration came to be, the St. Lucia Day
celebration is a combination of remembering old folklore traditions
and honoring a saint. Put the two together, the religious and the
folklore, and you create a warm and joyous day dedicated to
finding of light in the darkness.
St. Lucia is not a preparation for Christmas in the same sense as
Advent is. It is a reminder of St. Lucia herself and her sacrificial
giving to the poor and her devotion to Christ. The life of St. Lucia
and a Lucia celebration direct us to Christ – the Light of the World.
A St. Lucia celebration stresses the importance of light and the
coming of light. Light as warmth, light as promise, light as hope,
light as life and light shining in the darkness. The Light of Christ
shining in our dark world.
Today we celebrate that light just as the Norse Vikings, Swedish
farmers, an Italian peasant girl, and an English Bishop all did.
Not used in this version:
Let’s begin with a little poem found in Traditional Swedish books:
Now light one thousand Christmas lights
On dark earth here tonight
One thousand, thousand also shine
To make the dark sky bright.
It is a beautiful poem that conjures up images of deep winter nights and a dark star-filled
sky. It speaks to the history of St. Lucia and the light that her memory brings to the
world. But who is St. Lucia and why do we celebrate her day?
the St. Lucia Tradition
Saturday, December 14, 2013 at 3:00 P.M.
“Fiddler Nelson”
“Welcome and Prayer”
Ron Johnson
“The Christmas Story”
Luke 2:1-20
English: Pastor Martens
Swedish: Ron Johnson
“Fiddler Nelson”
“Legends of St. Lucia”
Jeff Erickson
“Lucia Procession and Serving”
“The Santa Lucia Song”
“Nu Tändas Tusen Juleljus”
“Now Shine A Thousand Candles Bright”
“Presentation of the Lucia Court”
Joan Huot
“Jeg Er Så Glad Hver Julekveld”
“I Am So Glad Each Christmas Eve”
“Nu Är Det Jul Igen”
“Now Is It Christmas Again”
These programs are for children ages 2 to 4 years old and their parents or guardian. Toddlers will learn about each theme through games, crafts, stories and songs. Each class starts at 10:00 a.m. Free fun for the little ones. Please pre-register by calling (605) 232-0873.
Join us for a fun hike through the trails of Adams Homestead at night. Find out what creatures make their home here at the park and what is happening in the night sky. Please call the visitor center to pre-register. This is fun and free for the whole family.
Adams Homestead invites you to come out for a bagel and a bird hike on a beautiful spring morning. We will grab a bite to eat and then take a leisurely stroll through the trails looking for birds that call this area home. Please bring your binoculars and good walking shoes. To pre-register, please call the visitor center.
This is a fun come and go program for kids that would like to make something special for their mom for Mother’s Day. There will be three different nature-themed crafts that the little ones can do that will make perfect gifts for mom. Please give us a call at the visitor center if you are interested. We would like to make sure we have plenty of crafts to go around.
The Donkey Dash is a 5K Fun Run that helps raise money for the animals that will be coming to Adams Homestead to create a working farm on the homestead site. More information about registration and the event will come soon. Please mark your calendars and spread the word!!
Summer camp registration will take place on Tuesday, March 18. I will send an email that morning with the summer camp information. Parents will have to call to register their children. Please do not call until you receive the email. Thanks and look forward to a great spring and summer season.
Apply here: www.greatswedishadventure.com
Meter Television is searching for Americans with Swedish ancestry for the nominated reality TV-show, “Allt för Sverige”. After the major success of Allt för Sverige- Great Swedish Adventure (The US title of the show) season 1, 2 and 3 we are now casting for season 4.
Now looking for people between 20-70 years old. Please apply by February 10th 2014.
The Producers of the Swedish version of “American Idol” and “Minute To Win It” are coming to the U.S. to find fun, outgoing Americans with Swedish ancestry to participate in their television series “Allt för Sverige.”
Brian the Winner season 1: Before I used to hear the stories, now I lived the stories…Americans will travel to Sweden and participate in an exciting television series. Chosen participants will compete in extreme cultural challenges to discover their rich and fascinating roots while trying to win the grand prize; MEETING THEIR SWEDISH RELATIVES.
This is an extraordinary opportunity to discover a new land and culture and have a chance to win a spectacular prize.
“Allt för Sverige” will be shot and broadcast in Sweden and potentially other countries as well. This is an incredible “once in a lifetime” opportunity for someone to discover their ancestry and experience their rich and fascinating Swedish cultural heritage.
Space is limited!
Register today at the Old Mill Museum, Lindsborg
Sunday, December 8. Christmas Festival at the W.H. Over Museum in Vermillion.
For information, call 605-677-5228.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Annual Lutfisk & Meatball Dinner at St. Paul Lutheran Church, rural Elk Point – Vermillion. For information call 712-277-4043.
Friday, December 6.
Clay County Historical Society’s Tour of Homes.
For information call 605-624-8266.